Our team can handle the preparation of graphics and data for all types of output, from the web to various types of print, or clothing branding. Our studio has professionally equipped Mac and PC graphics stations (calibrated monitors, software…), a wide range of quality fonts and a large selection of photos from our own archive or photo banks. Reach out to your customers with original and unique packaging. Get their attention among competing products. We will design a catalog for your products, created according to customer requirements and preferences. At the same time in accordance with your corporate identity and marketing strategy. Design, typesetting, break, scan, retouch – we will prepare your print data or website, down to the last detail, because “remote” work is so easy these days ????
All this at a much lower cost than you are used to.
Our operators speak English and German.

Let's try something NEW
Your opinions are important to us.
- +420 777 225 112, +420 296 411 288
- Počernická 96, Praha 10, 108 00

Registered Office and Billing Address:
A-Z servis group spol. s. r.o.
Bryksova 762/44, 190 00 Praha 9
IČO: 26123207, DIČ: CZ26123207
ISO 9001 certificate holder
Quality policy
Office and delivery address:
A-Z servis group spol. s. r.o.
Počernická 96, 108 00 Praha 10
Our operators speak
English or German
tel.: DE +420 296 411 288
tel.: AT +420 777 225 112
tel.: ENGL +420 777 225 112
Warehouse and distribution:
Trabantská 692/31
190 15 Praha 9
Czech Republic
VAT CZ27132013
GPS: 50.1256636N, 14.5649047E
Phone: +420 722 111 555